Full information on reminders, late payments, instalments, and disconnection
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Help for late payment reminders
In this video we'll explain to you when and why reminder letters are sent. Additionally we'll give you tips on how to avoid them.
Reminders and payment options
Get all the information you need on reminders and payment. The amount due can always be found in your personal area in our Online Service. Sign up now.
Questions about reminders
Charges and any steps we
may take differ by product and service.
Payment options
There are various ways you can pay any outstanding bills. We recommend different payment methods depending on your circumstances.
SEPA direct debitBank transferInstalment plan Prevention agreement
Post from a collection agency or solicitor?
Please contact our appointed collection agency or solicitor directly.
Further advice not associated with Vattenfall
Find further information services, e.g. debt counselling and consumer advice centres in Berlin and Hamburg, that can provide you with assistance and are not associated with Vattenfall.
Paiement en retard
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Pagamento in ritardo
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